Read OATK12 Newsletters
Online Art Teachers, Volume 1, Edition 1
Home-Based Learning: 30 Creative Ideas for No Teach, Low Tech, and High Tech Art Projects
By Dr. Trina Harlow
Online Art Teachers K-12 was born out of a desire to give art teachers across the U.S. and the world a platform to support each other through the COVID19 period of social distancing and schooling changing from brick and mortar buildings to the living rooms of students’ homes. Dr. Harlow shared this first newsletter to help with the confusion that teachers were experiencing (and still are).
#OATK12 #togetherweARTbetter
Online Art Teachers, Volume 1, Edition 2
Translating Online Practice for K-12: You CAN Do This!
By Dr. Sarah Ackermann
Online Art Teachers, Volume 1, Edition 3
Joining the Journey: What is the Art Teacher K-12 Facebook Group?
By Dr. Trina Harlow
Online Art Teachers, Volume 1, Edition 4
Joining the Google Folder: What is the Online Art Teacher K-12 Google Folder and How Can You Use it as a Resource?
By Bob Reeker
Online Art Teachers, Volume 1, Edition 5
Joining the Tech Effort: Best Practices for Shifting to an Online Mindset
By Dr. Sarah Ackermann
Online Art Teachers, Volume 1, Edition 6
Joining the Journaling Project: Maintaining Your Sanity with Meaningful Visual Journals
By Beth Dobberstein
Online Art Teachers, Volume 1, Edition 7
Joining the Facebook Group Effort: Maximizing this Facebook Group for Your Teaching Needs
By Kate Miller
Online Art Teachers, Volume 1, Edition 8
Joining the Self-Care Effort: Humanizing and Self-Care
By Randy Robart
Online Art Teachers, Volume 1, Edition 9
Joining the Journey of Students, Parents, and Guardians: Storyboards and Choice Boards
By Dr. Trina Harlow
Online Art Teachers, Volume 1, Edition 10
Where Do Our OATK12 Group Members Come From
By Dr. Trina Harlow