OATK12 was founded as a service project by Dr. Trina Harlow to assist art educators in navigating COVID-19 pandemic teaching. Dr. Harlow served as the group's first director. Eventually, Bob Reeker, who was the first team leader, became co-director. Together, Bob and Trina led the group, dedicating much time on a daily basis to administrate the group, its activities and events, and its focus.  The group also had three other team leaders who remained team leaders the entire two-year duration of the social media group - Holly Bess Kincaid, Kate Miller, and Dr. Sarah Ackermann.  The group lost Randy Robart, another dedicated original team leader, to cancer during the first year of the group's existence.  While a few team leaders came onto the leadership team and then left to handle professional or personal responsibilities during this challenging global time period, Christine Wellman, Danny Bryant, Rob Garrett, John Lentine, Jane Montero, Sasha Odom, and Ruth Pittman also served as team leaders as the group archived in June of 2022.  We are thankful for this dedicated group of team leaders who served the entire profession of art education during pandemic teaching. 


OATK12 archived the private Facebook Group with 28,000 members in June of 2022 to preserve the meaningful work that this collective community service organization did to sustain school and museum art education during the 2023 COVID-19 pandemic.  In April of 2023, OATK12 began to think of what its next phase of support might look like for the field of art education.  The service organization turns its focus to teacher recruitment and retention, teacher and student mental health and wellness, and addressing violence in our schools.  OATK12 will continue to host summer conferences, online art exhibitions and contests, award prizes to outstanding teachers, contribute publications to the field, offer travel opportunities, and other activities. And, you just never know  – the revered private Facebook Group may open back up someday. Although we have had many requests for that, we are still thinking about that! For now, stay connected with OATK12 through this website. We've been through a very challenging time TOGETHER – let's see what the future holds . . .  TOGETHER!

OATK12 is a service organization - 

serving the field of art education.

Trina Harlow PhD, Texas, USA

OATK12 Founder and CEO

Contact OATK12 at: onlineartteachers@gmail.com

Bob Reeker, Nebraska, USA

Senior Advisor

Kate Miller, Kansas, USA

Senior Advisor

Christine Wellman, Bermuda and Barbados  

Senior Advisor 

Jane Montero EdD, Michigan, USA

Senior Advisor 

Sarah Ackermann PhD, Indiana, USA

 Senior Advisor    

Rob Garrett, Poland

Senior Advisor   

Danny Bryant, South Carolina, USA

Senior Advisor


As we explore the future of OATK12, the following artists and art educators are lending their expertise to the next phase of this organization.

Nancy Walkup

New Mexico, USA

Debi West

 South Carolina, USA

Carolyn Scalan,

Texas, USA

Panpan Yang,


Cheri Lee Keefer

Hawai’i, USA

Jiayan Ge

China & USA

Lori Phillips PhD, Hawai’i USA

Agustin Cruz Prudencio Mexico

Abby Drake

Texas, USA

Becky Black PhD

Colorado, USA

Krissy Ponden

Connecticut, USA

Charles Johnson

Arkansas, USA

Dede Diaczenko

Texas, USA

Zerric Clinton

Georgia, USA

Jeff Broome PhD

Florida, USA

Melody Weintraub

Tennessee, USA

Madeline Nelson

Arkansas, USA

Phyllis Roybal

New Mexico, USA

Linda Nelson-Bova

Kansas, USA

Barbara Hughes EdD

California,  USA

Angela Higgins


Announced Soon

Announced Soon

Announced Soon

          2020 - 2022 OATK12  DIRECTORS 


            TEAM LEADERS

Dr. Trina Harlow


Founder & 

Director of OAT K12


Bob Reeker


Co-Director of OATK12

Original and First Team Leader

Team Leaders (in alphabetical order)

Dr. Sarah Ackermann


Original Team Leader

Daniel Bryant 

South Carolina

Rob Garrett 

Poland and  New Zealand


Holly Kincaid 


John Lentine 

Alaska and Virginia

Kate Miller 


Original Team Leader


Dr. Jane Montero Michigan


Sasha Odom 


Ruth Pitman

North Carolina 

and Canada

Christine Wellman Bermuda

The Late 

Randy Robart 



Original Team Leader